Search for specific data

Quickly find the exact information you need by searching for specific terms in reviews. Whether it’s a product feature, a user concern, or a competitor's strength, ReviewPower makes it easy to access relevant insights fast.

Access targeted insights

Find reviews with specific keywords or topics, saving time on data analysis.

Enhance decision-making

Make informed choices by quickly locating relevant information in customer feedback.

Save time and resources

Efficiently gather insights without sifting through irrelevant reviews.

Practical usage scenarious

Explore practical ways to use ReviewPower insights for your business

Locate feature-specific feedback


You need feedback on a specific feature, but reviews are mixed.


Use ReviewPower to search for feature-related terms directly.

How to

Enter keywords like “analytics” or “dashboard” to isolate feedback on particular product areas.

Identify recurring customer pain points


Users mention certain issues frequently, but feedback is hard to track.


Use keyword searches in ReviewPower to quickly find common pain points.

How to

Search for words like “slow” or “confusing” to identify consistent problems customers face.

Gather feedback for future product development


You want specific insights for planning new features.


ReviewPower allows you to search for feedback on areas you’re developing.

How to

Use keywords like “wish it had” to gather ideas directly from user feedback.