Search for specific data

Search for specific terms in reviews to quickly find the exact information you need. So, to surface your insights fast, whether it is a product feature, a user concern, or a competitor strength, ReviewPower helps.

Targeted insights

Look for reviews that mention certain keywords or themes, letting you batch-query your data rather than waiting for new analyses to be generated.

Improve decision-making

Use urgent insights from customer feedback to make well-informed decisions.

Time and cost efficient

You can conveniently get insights without having to go through irrelevant reviews.

Practical usage scenarious

Time to get inspired on how you could use ReviewPower insights for your business

Find feedback on specific features


You’re looking for feedback on a specific feature but there are reviews of mixed quality.


Search for feature-related terms directly in ReviewPower.

How to

Type in keywords such as “analytics” or “dashboard” to filter feedback around specific products areas.

Spot problems users repeatedly face


Users repeat some issues, but feedback is difficult to follow.


Use keyword searches in ReviewPower to quickly find common pain points.

How to

Look for words like “slow” or “confusing” to pinpoint recurring issues customers encounter.

Gather feedback for future product development


You are looking for targeted insights to help you plan new features.


ReviewPower lets you search for feedback on areas you are working on.

How to

Using “wish it had” type of keywords to get ideas directly from user feedback